The Prismic blog Product announcements, news, and thoughts on content management & software development from the Prismic team


June 11,2020

Development environments: a sandbox where you can test, try, and iterate safely

Few things are more important for your website development and maintenance than knowing that you can safely iterate and test new features without putting your live website at risk. But, fear no more, with Prismic’s new development environments feature you can easily clone your production environment and work on new iterations and designs in a separate and safe development environment.

By Edward Hewitt


June 07,2019

How Ueno chose their framework and why they went with Gatsby

In our latest video with Birkir, he and Sadek discuss how Ueno chose their framework and why they went with Gatsby. Choosing Gatsby and staying React-based allows for a component-based approach that makes it easy for projects to be divided whilst still allowing developers to easily collaborate and work independently. Their preference for a component-based approach is one of the main reasons that they like using Prismic as a CMS.

By Edward Hewitt